Larger scale aquaculture systems
- You need a system to raise large fish such as trout?
- Your water /chilling /heating costs must be reduced?
Stop looking! Our top-notch RAS systems will meet these goals and much more!
Our Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are based on years of hands-on experience. At least 99% of the water flowing through the rearing tanks is recycled. And yet, the water remains crystal clear, free of suspended mater. Plus, unique in the industry, our functional AquaNit Tricking Biofilter comes pre-coated with active nitrifying bacteria. It will efficiently consume the ammonia excreted by the fish biomass. We guarantee it!
You decide on the type, volume and number of rearing tanks and we associated them with the right REcirculation with BioFiltration (REBF) skid.
Benefits of AQUABIOTECH’s RAS systems
Fish needs are met perfectly!
- Fish are less prone to bacterial gill disease.
Between 75 and 77% of feces are collected by our Sediment Trap. When purged twice daily off the rearing tanks, solid disintegration through pumps is minimized. Less fines are left to damage fragile gill filaments of fry and fingerlings.
« The sediment traps work wonderfully. The feces and uneaten food are rapidly removed to the traps. We have tanks stocked at 45 kg/m3 with Arctic char and the water clarity is excellent. ‘The Aquabiotech fecal trap design is far superior to the design of others systems we have at NSAC » Jim Duston, NSAC
- An outstanding biofilter
Our AquaNit Trickling biofilter effectively controls the ammonia level, protects against nitrogen supersaturation, adds constant aeration and prevent carbon dioxide buildup. Plus, unique feature, it is factory pre-coated with active nitrifying bacteria. This prevents the initial build-up commonly seen during start-up.
- An excellent bio-security package
Benefit from our hands-on experience as former Atlantic salmon smolt producers!
With an Aquabiotech RAS system, you will obtain a constant/uniform flow of water pumped to the rearing tanks, regardless of filter clogging. The level of oxygen being monitored, the Enviro-Montron sends additional oxygenation on demand. The fish habitat backup pump starts automatically in case of power failure. And, for ultimate security, an automatic inflow of oxygen-enriched air may be released from the tank bottom, if everything else fails.
We build RAS to your application
- Aquabiotech custom-builds high-quality systems that are engineered to meet your exact requirements and specifications. We abide to the Canadian Council for Animal Care (CCAC) recommendations, such as Guideline 56.
- Our standard packages are for fish density reaching 20-25 kg fish/m³. Adaptation for high-density culture is, of course, available. Likewise, if you have specific demands for advanced filtration, or specific flow rates, let us know.
- Our team of experts is present throughout the different steps helping you to select the right features for your system.
Integrate peace of mind
With the Enviro-Monitron™ the following water parameters can monitored, alarms sent:
- Water temperature
- pH
- Salinity
- Oxygen
- Water make-up
- Flow (on/off).
Learn more about the Enviro-Monitron
Add built-in controls!
As a researcher you may want to apply controls to a full RAS system. The most current is dissolved oxygen, under static control. This is done through an assembly of a dissolved oxygen (DO) probe, an oxygen generator with a saturator linked to the rearing tanks inflow. The Enviro-Monitron™, triggers the release of oxygen-enriched air into the water flowing to the rearing tanks. Therefore, an optimal level of oxygen is maintained at all times, regardless of fish density or stress events.
Likewise, controlling pH and salinity is possible. Water temperature can be maintained within most any given range. And light/dark photoperiod cycles featuring dawn-dusk gradual intensity changes are often integrated within opaque lids.
Low start-up time and ease of use!
- The AquaNit™ Trickling Biofilter are bio-activated before delivery. This unique Aquabiotech feature saves a tremendous amount of biofilter maturation time and protects your fish against ammonia peaks during the first months. It will also save you money by reducing in-house technical man hours.
- We reduce on-site assembly requirements. Every RAS is mounted and fully tested for required performance at our plant before shipment.
- Generally, the skid REBF system will only need to be connected to a water and electrical source after being leveled. Before adding your fish, we guide you through easy steps to make sure your biofilter is acclimated and ready to take the load.
- Easy maintenance.
- The system can be dismantled for cleaning and sterilization of all waterways.
”Attention to detail and consultation with us during design stage was excellent. It resulted in us getting the systems we wanted.”
Jim Duston, Ph. D., NSAC, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada

CCAC Guideline 56
The number of fish that can be carried in a given water supply is extremely variable and depends on the species, water temperature, pathogen load, dissolved oxygen level, metabolic rate of the fish, feeding rate, and how fast the water is being exchanged.
High quality and extremely flexible, Aqubiotech’s equipment comes with highly professional service. Customer oriented, our sales team is dedicated to walking you through each step into designing the right system for your needs.